美国心理学会(American Psychological Association,APA)于2022年1月初发布了2021年度下载量最高的10篇文章。其中,新冠相关主题数量最多。有六篇与新冠疫情息息相关。疫情的爆发改变了人们生活、学习和工作模式,网课、远程办公和在线会议等非面对面的人际交流方式被广泛应用,由此造成的心理问题也成为了心理学家最为关注的议题之一。此外,高下载量论文中,社交媒体相关的研究有3篇。心理学家也更加重视虚拟环境中的社交行为和心理,而青少年是主要的研究对象。
1. 新冠对大学生的影响:学术和社会情绪影响(COVID-19 disruption on college students: Academic and socioemotional implications)
2. 新冠与工作场所:对未来研究和行动形成的影响、困扰和启示(COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action)
3. 近距离观察外表和社交媒体:测量在线社交活动、自我表现、社会比较与情绪调节的关系(A closer look at appearance and social media: Measuring activity, self-presentation, and social comparison and their associations with emotional adjustment)
4. 社交隔离已是家常便饭:一项关于新冠疫情对心理健康和亚健康的大学生造成心理困扰的纵向研究(When social isolation is nothing new: A longitudinal study on psychological distress during COVID-19 among university students with and without preexisting mental health concerns)
5. 创伤聚焦认知行为疗法(TF-CBT)治疗过渡年龄青少年的人际创伤(Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) for interpersonal trauma in transitional-aged youth)
6. 青少年日常生活中的社交媒体使用与朋友亲密程度(Social media use and friendship closeness in adolescents’ daily lives: An experience sampling study)
7.Instagram真的举足轻重吗?运用涵化理论探讨Instagram对年轻用户身体形象的影响(Every (Insta)gram counts? Applying cultivation theory to explore the effects of Instagram on young users’ body image)
8.非语言信息过载:Zoom使用疲劳的理论依据( Nonverbal overload: A theoretical argument for the causes of Zoom fatigue)
9. 应对新冠爆发:与心理健康和生活质量的关系(Coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: Relations with mental health and quality of life)
10. 将反应性动机访谈与认知行为疗法相结合治疗广泛性焦虑障碍:对人际关系的直接和间接影响(Integrating responsive motivational interviewing with cognitive-behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Direct and indirect effects on interpersonal outcomes)